- Chapters 8-9
- Perspective: Atticus
Dear Journal,
today I got the hardest case of my life. This one is the one that really is the one case in every mans career that really strikes close to the heart. I have been ENTRUSTED to defend a negro man. A man accused of raping a white girl. I don't know how I will defend this man being the proud father of a white girl. I don't know why the assigner pointed the case to me. This town hates negros almost in a FANATICAL way, There is no chance this man won't hang, and I don't want Scout to learn the depth of this case but on the other hand I wish she would understand that not everyone is as accepting as we are. We come from an anti-negro place.
Scout has gotten to the point where she needs to stop fighting, Today she hit Francis so hard in the face that she started bleeding. For no reason, she really needs to calm the foul mouth of hers. If she keeps cursing she will end up ISOLATING herself and those around her. She called an eight year old a whore-lady. An eight year old. I think I will let Cal start to whip it out of her. I remember being that young, I had a clean mouth and I never got into fights. Well thats not true I am a boy, but I got into a lot fewer fights. One day when she is older she will get into a fight and I won't be able to protect her.
I spent many long hours with Jack today, it is always great when we talk. He is so odd, he said that he doesn't want children, for the sole reason of the fact that he doesn't get them. I told him that you learn to understand them quickly. Jack is such a great man, he took the kids shooting with their new air riffles. I swear on gods name, if I were to die tomorrow I am not sure if I would leave Scout and Jem with Cal or Jack. It was nice to get some of my worries of my chest. I am glad Scout was there to hear because I wanted for her to know without having to see her face. I wish she would understand, but unfortunately she is still young, I wish she would understand.
Christmas always is a great time of year, I love to sit around the table and talk. I find it amusing that it irks Scout to sit at the small table. It has always PERPLEXED me how much children hate to be treated as children, although I remember being put at the kids table ADJACENT to the adult table and it infuriated me.
Thanks for listening
Good job Max, I liked how you made the Vocab Words CAPITALS, so it was easier to read, you also used them correctly. This is also a well-written and informative post, told in the perspective of Atticus. I at least know you read the book. I found a few errors, like "riffles", and fighting, Today. You should proof-read the post b4 you post it. I was confused when you said "For no reason, she needs to calm that foul mouth of hers". Make it more clear.